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Jose Chay

a pro-programer

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jose chay

Hello World! 🤠

I'm a Python and web developer. I love taking the life easy and take trips.

My Skills


Science & software development 🤓⚛️

I've always been good at science and I really love expanding my knowledge. I started learning to code when I was 18 years old for curiosity. Currenly I want keeping to upskill my tech knowledge and boost my career doing the job that I really love, it's coding.


All you can eat of pizza challenge 😋

But my best skill is actually in eating lots of piece of pizza.

Get In Touch

If you love pizza as much as I do.

Let's code while we talk about how awesome pizzas are!

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Portfolio

LinkedIn Git Hub Gmail

© 2022 Jose Chay.

Pizza icons created by Umeicon - Flaticon